Let's Rethink Dry and Cure
Its time to rethink post harvest. Proper drying, curing and storage can make or break your brand. After putting all that time, money and energy into your grow – take it over the finish line in style!
Stem Snapping
Stem snapping is just NOT science! Let’s put the myths away and start thinking about water activity and shelf stability. When you over dry you might end up with harsh, tasteless buds.
Weed Smell...?
Why doesn’t my weed smell very strong when I take it out of the Cool Cure??? Remember – when you smell it…it’s gone for good.
What is RH?
Let’s talk about relative humidity!
What is dew point?
So you want to learn more about dew point? Here’s a quick explainer!
What is water activity?
Been wondering why we always talk about water activity at Cannatrol? Here’s a quick explanation!
Why The Sponge?
“What’s up with that sponge in my Cannatrol Cool Cure?”
Well, turns out that little sponge is pretty important to the drying and curing process!
The 60-60 Myth
Dave talks a little about the 60/60 setting and why we DON’T use that setting in our Cannatrol systems. Follow the science!
Wet flower in with dry flower....
“Can I put more wet flower into the Cool Cure with already drying flower?”
Here is the answer and the reason behind it!
What is the difference between moisture content and water activity?
The Cool Cure Guru Dave explains!
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