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Analytical Cannabis Magazine

Cannatrol Custom System

How One Company Went From Curing
Cheese to Curing Cannabis

Alexander Beadle
Science Writer

Curing and drying cannabis is one of the final stages in the cannabis production pipeline. It is also one of the most critical steps; an improper dry or cure can dramatically impact the flavor profile of the cannabis flower and potentially ruin all of the months of hard work that has gone into growing the crop. But what if there was a way to get a perfect cure every time? That is the mission behind Cannatrol, a Vermont-based drying, curing and storage solutions provider.

Cannatrol’s award-winning patented Vaportrol drying technology was originally developed to cure high quality meats and cheeses. And once the technology had been proven in the cheese making world, the leadership felt that it could also bring another level of reliability to the cannabis sector.

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